Flea Allergy dermatitis dog

Flea Allergy

Allergic skin disease develops when the immune system reacts to otherwise harmless substances in an aberrant way.  A very complex chain of events occurs which results in the immune system producing  immunoglobulins such as allergen-specific IgE  and other chemical messengers called cytokines that can lead to the allergic symptoms of itching and skin  inflammation.

Management of allergic skin disease in dogs and cats accounts for a large part of a veterinary dermatologist’s work, the three main allergic diseases that we see in pets are flea allergy, atopy and food allergy.

The correct diagnosis of the allergy that is affecting your pet is absolutely essential. The wrong diagnosis could result in inappropriate treatment for the rest of your pet’s life, wasting your money and putting your pet at risk of developing drug-related diseases.

With this in mind, it’s vital that other causes of your pet’s dermatitis, skin irritation or otitis  are eliminated and dealt with before making a diagnosis of an allergy.  Diseases which can mimic allergic skin disease in dogs and cats  can range from parasitic infestations such as scabies to primary yeast infections and some autoimmune skin diseases.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ for some allergies so we endeavour to offer treatment that suits your pet’s size and its particular allergy and your resources.

We’ve created three detailed and informative pages relating to atopy,  food allergy and flea allergy so you can understand  more about them and their treatment.

These pages will help you to recognise symptoms of common allergies in our pets and covers the various diagnostic tests that are done and the numerous treatments available to manage these conditions effectively and what things you should be wary of while your pet receives treatment.

Find out more about food allergy and intolerances

Find out more about atopy

Find out more about flea allergies

Mechanism of allergies in dogs
Atopic Otitis

Atopic Otitis

Atopic Westie

Atopic Westie

Food Allergy in Cat

Food Allergy in Cat

Chronic Food Allergy

Chronic Food Allergy

If you’ve noticed skin or ear problems in your pet, it’s vital that you contact specialised veterinary professionals before symptoms worsen. To book an appointment with our small animal skin and ear experts, simply call us on 01163 260402


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Dec 2024. There is currently a  6  week waiting time, depending upon whether the case is surgical, before new cases can be seen.