With the announcement from the Government last weekend that England is back in lockdown for 1 month from Thursday, we would like to confirm that here at DermVet, we are very much still open and here to help you and your pets. Since March, we have worked hard to provide a range of Covid-19 safety measures to keep you and our staff safe, whilst making sure your pet receives the continued highest standard of care and treatment from us.
If you suspect that your dog may be showing signs of a food allergy or you have noticed changes to the appearance of your dogs fur, skin or their overall behaviour, then we can assist. We provide dog allergy testing and treatment from our practice here in Leicestershire.
We know that you will love your dog as a part of the family, so any changes in their behaviour or condition can be worrisome. However, with us by your side, we will help to ensure your dog is back to their normal selves as quickly as possible. If you would like more information, then please call our team on 0116 326 0402. We are here to help and we look forward to speaking with you soon.