May 2020. I am now, once again, able to see cases “face to face” so to speak, provided strict social distancing rules are adhered to. I have also had clarification of my own risk due to the medication that I am on, the guidlines from the RCVS have recently changed, allowing vets to use their own judgement on which cases to see if animal welfare is at risk. I also have access to the required PPE and hand sanitisers.
Seeing a case face to face will mean, however, that ideally the history should be taken by telephone /email/video consultation and the animal then left at the front door with my nurse, who will hold the animal for the clinical examination, diagnostic tests and treatment. Normal surgery hours will not be in force and if the phone isn’t answered you can leave a message or email us and we will get back to you within 24 hours. If an owner comes into the clinic, I have to restrict it to one owner at a time and they should use the hand sanitiser provided and wear a face mask.
I am still available to dispense medication to existing clients, without seeing the animal in certain cases, and I have just set up Video Consults to allow me to provide a service to to clients needing advice on their pets skin or ear problem. Click here to read about Video Consultations.
After a video consult or sometimes after a phone call or email exchange, it may be that I can help with the diagnosis of your pet’s skin condition, by providing you with a kit to take samples to post back to me for cytological examination. Here’s a short video on what can be done :-
The situation is constantly changing ,but In the first intance, if you want some quick advice , email me on
Updates will be posted on my facebook page, so if you like that page that will be the quickest way of being informed of any developments.