Pododermatitis – A Common Problem With Many Causes

Pododermatitis is a term given to describe inflammatory disease of the skin of the feet. Signs can vary from just erythema (redness) of the pedal skin, to alopecia, swelling, nodules and “cysts”, ulceration, crusting, draining tracts and hyperkeratosis. There are a...

Hair and Saliva Tests Fail to Identify Allergies in Dogs

Occasionally, when I see second opinion cases of presumed allergic dermatitis, the owner tells me that they have found out what their dog is allergic to as they had sent a sample of its hair or saliva to a laboratory, for a tidy fee, and have been told that their pet...

Hypoallergenic, Raw, Grain Free and Food Allergies?

To be accurate, dermatologists refer to Adverse Food Reactions which can lead to skin disease. They can either be immunological (allergic) or non-immunological in causation.Food Allergy was once considered a separate cause of non-seasonal allergic dermatitis from...

A Case of Primary Malassezia Dermatitis

We recently saw a rare case of Primary Malassezia (Yeast) Dermatitis in a young Dachshund. We often see this yeast causing infections as a secondary infection in cases of allergy but this case appeared to be a primary infection which is rare and mostly reported in...