Here’s Freddie after his final check up after having both a ventral bulla osteotomy and a total ear canal ablation (TECA) for a chronic middle ear infection as a consequence of having a squamous cell carcinoma affecting the lower external ear canal.
He’s done really well with an excellent cosmetic result and no post-operative complications.

Nasopharyngeal Polyps in Cats
Ear disease isn't that common in cats. Apart from infestation with ear mites (otodectes) which in my practice is most commonly seen in newly purchased kittens, otits externa, which is often seen in dogs, is only seen occasionally. Very often , when I am referred a...
A Case of Primary Malassezia Dermatitis
We recently saw a rare case of Primary Malassezia (Yeast) Dermatitis in a young Dachshund
2 Cases of Mast Cell Tumours
These growths are very common on dogs and are called the “great imitator” as they can look very much like other skin ….